Open House Collaboration Effort!

You know how much I respect selling FSBO and how I want to make sure you get the most out of your efforts. The reality is according to NAR research… FSBO homes sell for 26% less on average, and Only 11% of FSBO sellers succeed[1]. But, what I see as the thrifty queen I am is that at least 11% DO actually succeed in selling FSBO. Considering this I believe everyone should have the opportunity to be included in that percentage! I also want to help people get THE MOST for their homes and not any less then market value. So, I created this NEW Open House Collaboration Effort!

So, what is my new Open House Collaboration Effort? It is a collaboration between me and local For Sale By Owners (FSBO) where I will help you plan and market your Open House. I will also attend the open house and help you in managing people and help you in selling your home to everyone who walks in the door. What do I get out of this? Well, I get to meet some more buyers who may not have a cool local agent (like myself) and potentially get more clients. I will also get the opportunity to show you how much I truly care and make a good impression.

So, Let’s Dive In!

  1. Help Planning the Open House

  2. Help at the Open House

  3. Why am I doing this?

  4. Is there any Paperwork or Commitments Involved?

  5. Let’s Get Started!

Help Planning the Open House

What all will I do to help you plan for your open house? What is important to a successful open house? What do you need to do before hand? How to plan it if you have renters? How to work with pets and kids? These questions and more will ALL be answered below.

  1. We will go over a simple checklist (that can be done virtually) to access whether or not their are renters, kids, or pets at the home and how to deal with each of them during an open house.

  2. I can personally do a walk through of the home (virtually or in person) and come up with a custom checklist of things you can do beforehand to make your home as appealing as possible. (depersonalizing, organizing, cleaning, touch ups, rearranging, and more all optional).

  3. I will walk you through how to advertise your open house and provide you with a list of tips and tricks to make sure as many buyers as possible know about your open house.

  4. I will work with you to come up with a catering option and also help provide it.

  5. We will go over if you’d like to include a local lender to help draw people to your open house and if so which lender you’d like to partner with.

  6. I will also repost your open house on my social media platforms.

  7. I will work with you and create handouts of the properties info and a QR code version of it as well.

  8. We will go over the safety checklist beforehand to make sure your are covered.

Help at the Open House

What all will I do to help you at your open house? What will I bring? Who will be there? Do you have to stay? These questions and more will ALL be answered below.

  1. I will bring the handouts we decided on and the QR code.

  2. I will schedule with the local lender we decided on.

  3. I will bring the catering option we decided on.

  4. I will bring raffle prizes to the open house so you can draw in more buyers.

  5. I will utilize a sign in sheet to keep tract of everyone who enters the home. (This will also be provided to you.)

  6. I will help you manage people as they come in.

  7. I will also stay out of your way and just help where you need me.

  8. I can also manage it with my team and you can leave the property (only if you want).

Why am I doing this?

I know it seems too good to be true… I mean no one is that nice right? All jokes aside I really do want to help you maximize your FSBO journey and Open Houses are HUGE in selling houses. In fact, 48% of all buyers attended an open house as part of their search process [2], homes shown in open houses sell for $9,000 more on average, and they spend about a week less on the market[3]. So, here are some reasons why I wanted to start this collaboration effort!

  1. I get to show you how much I care.

  2. I get to meet potential new buyer clients at the open house.

  3. If you do decide to list with an agent hopefully you’ll think of me (although not required to hire me at all).

  4. I get to be more involved in local neighborhoods and learn more about the area.

  5. I get to showcase (FSBO) listings to my clients they wouldn’t have seen on the MLS.

  6. I can use the marketing content on my social media to reach buyers looking to relocate locally.

Is there any Paperwork or Commitments Involved?

Great News! There is no commitment required from you at all… You will not be required to hire me or work with me in any way at all after, during, or before the open house . However, there are two documents that you will need to sign just so I don’t get sued for being a licensed realtor. I will send these to you ahead of time and they can be done virtually or in person. If you have any questions about them let me know and I’ll personally walk you through it. The first document is a RECAD aka the Real Estate Brokerage Services Disclosure. This is required because Alabama law requires the customer (anyone I help not who hires me) to be informed of all the different types of services which real estate licenses can preform. The purpose of the document is to give you a summary of each and show that I have followed the law and informed you. The second document is the transaction broker agreement which is required because I will be a “licensed agent who assist you in the process of selling” (this doesn’t mean you are hiring me or saying you owe me anything). This document is just to say you were aware I am a licensed realtor who is helping you with planning and hosting your open house.

These are the only documents required and no commitments are needed from you at all!

Get Started Now!

[1] - National Association of Realtors - Highlights From the Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers

[2] - American Home Shield - 7 Revealing Facts About Your Open House Audience

[3] - National Association of Realtors - Open Houses Can Still Pay Off, New Study Shows


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