Top Ways to Increase Your Home Value - Get the Most for Your Home when Selling

Thinking of selling or renovating your home? Well, you have come to the right place, here we will dive into the top updates and tips to make sure you get the most for your home. I know when selling or renovating there are so many options and opinions out there. So, I wanted to create this blog post to help guide you on the best ways to maximize your updates. This is not just from my experiences as both a fix and flip investor and realtor, but also data driven information. I know your excited to maximize your home’s value…

So, Let’s Dive In!

We will cover the ALL of following and MORE:

  1. Top Updates

  2. Top Tips

  3. What I do for My Clients

  4. Selling FSBO


We are going to be breaking this section down into 4 different parts and dive deeper into each top update!

  1. Update 1

  2. Update 2

  3. Update 3

  4. Update 4

Starting right off into the top updates you can do to maximize your homes value on and off market! Coming in at first place is… The Bathrooms! Whether you were or weren’t expecting bathrooms to come in first according to HGTV updating your bathrooms has an average 102% return!

So, let’s see what all to do and how to save:

  1. Bath tubs - Make sure to give them a new look you can have old ones re-glazed, updated with tile, or even just add new cocking and fixtures.

  2. Vanities/sinks - Time to update those old sinks and vanities (granite counter tops are preferred).

  3. Remove old 1930s tile and wallpaper.

  4. Update the light fixtures (use ONLY blue light bulbs to create a fresh and lighter look plus it will look 100x better in photos).

  5. Update the paint (use light colors they make smaller spaces seem larger and lighter).

    (for fixtures and paint on a budget check your local Facebook Marketplace and Lowes Clearance).

The next top update you can do is… The Kitchen! Oh yes, I am sure you notice a good kitchen when you see one and buyers are no different. In fact the kitchen is on the top of most buyers list. Remember though when updating the kitchen you can go too far. Your goal is to be slightly better or up to date. When doing a kitchen remodel you can expect to see 98% return on investment.

So, let’s see how to maximize your kitchen updates:

  1. Granite counter tops (this is the best bang for your buck with appraisals as for return on investment but, Quartz is growing in popularity just not quite winning yet). Quartz countertops and Marble are also great options.

  2. Stainless Steal Appliances (Remember to check clearance and Facebook marketplace to save).

  3. Fresh paint (remember to go with light colors and nothing crazy, colors like white, grey, light blue, and egg shell).

  4. Update your cabinets (only if needed and can easily just have them painted to look brand new).

  5. Add a backsplash or update it (no dated, checkered subway tiles, go for modern and simple).

  6. Update cabinet nobs (check marketplace or clearance).

  7. Update sink faucet (check marketplace or clearance).

  8. Update light fixtures (check marketplace or clearance).

The next update could bring you even more return then a bathroom upgrade if done fully and if your home could achieve it… A Room Conversion! So, what do I mean by a room conversion? Well, its when you change a rooms purpose or add one entirely. Some common examples are adding a closet to an extra room (this makes it a bedroom), finishing the attic or basement, and enclosing all or part of the garage. Also check if your county will require a permit.

So, here are some tips and tricks on these kind of updates:

  1. Adding a closet to a finished room - this creates another “bedroom” and can add significant value.

  2. Enclosing a garage - be careful on this one it should only be utilized on properties where not having a garage is common and the added space is worth more (typically on homes under 220k consult your realtor first). If you add nice flooring and connect it to your HVAC system you can add the square footage. You can also add a closet and count it as a bedroom.

  3. Finishing a basement or attic - These are extremely great as it adds square footage and buyers love it. Not to mention it will allow your home to stand out a lot more. However, check local fire code before making either a bedroom as you do not want anyone to be trapped in case of a fire.

  4. Enclosing part of the garage - maybe your laundry is in the garage closing it into its own room will add square footage (if connect to the HVAC system) and it will also be more appealing to buyers. You can also enclose any extra space in the back of your garage (just make sure cars and SUVs can still fit or around 18 feet left over).

The next upgrade is easily over looked when considering renovations but trust me buyers love it and it will make your home stand out even more… Adding a Deck or Patio! When adding a deck or patio to a property you are adding a whole new experience to the backyard. Not to mention if you already have one in place some of these tips will help you maximize it!

So, here are the top upgrades and tips for Decks and Patios:

  1. Build a deck or patio - if one isn’t in place.

  2. Add furniture - this helps buyers visualize the space completely.

  3. Add plants, and pillows - this will create a warm and cozy space.

  4. Add lights - Buyers absolutely love this and it also helps your deck stand out.

  5. Fresh paint or wood.

  6. Add a fire pit or grill that can convey with the home purchase.


So, now that you have a firm grasp on home updates that add value to your property its time to break down some smaller tips. But, don’t worry these maybe less focused to a central area but they will definitely help get you the MOST possible for your home!

We are going to break this section down into two different parts:

  1. Exterior Tips

  2. Interior Tips

Exterior Tips

Your homes curb appeal is extremely important because it is the buyers first impression of your home and also how you take care of it. Making sure that they fall in love instead of raise concerns.

So here are the top tips to win the buyers over even before they are in the door:

  1. Maintain the front and back yard - make sure weeds are pulled, flowers are alive, hedges are trimmed and grass is cut.

  2. Add landscaping - or at least flowers on the front porch.

  3. Add a welcome mat and matching wreath.

  4. Update exterior light fixtures.

  5. Update garage doors.

  6. Pressure wash the house, side walk, porch, and drive way.

  7. Update the mailbox and house numbers.

  8. Paint the house exterior (not necessary but helps add value).

  9. Paint the shutters (especially if they are a crazy color other then black, white, or grey).

Interior Tips

The second a buyer walks in the front door they should fall in love and start imagining themselves moving in! To help accomplish this goal and to get the best offer possible on your home follow these tips below:

  1. Make sure to update all paint (remember to focus on lighter colors also check on marketplace and clearance).

  2. Make sure to update all light fixtures. (check on marketplace and clearance).

  3. Get your home professionally cleaned

  4. Organize - EVERYTHING especially bookshelves, closets, pantries, refrigerators, and cabinets.

  5. Depersonalize - Make sure you remove any family photos, refrigerator drawings, and personal items in main areas

  6. Remember if you need to hind things to put it in bins under beds (make sure they have a bed skirt as well).

  7. Deep clean older carpet to look new and fresh.

  8. Keep it ready to show at all times. No groceries out, dirty dishes, clothes, or bathroom products.

  9. Add “Pinterest” touches - like light décor on tables and walls, and neutral blankets and towels.


Now that you know the top updates and tips to get your property ready to sell for the most possible, I’m sure your wondering what it is an agent like myself does to make sure your home sells for the most possible! Well, no worries in this section I’ll tell you my top ways I do business differently to make sure all your hard work pays off.

  1. Staging - I am a HUGE fan of staging both large and small, virtual and in person. Some of the top benefits of staging is that it makes your home appear larger, it helps buyers see its potential, it creates a cozy environment, and it helps homes sell for more!

  2. Photography, Videography, and Virtual Tours - A photo speaks 1,000 words! Not to mention 99% of the time the buyers just look at the photos to decide if they are interested or not without reading the description. I make sure not only that we have the best photos but, that the photos and videos are used to reach buyers EVERYWHERE! How? Here are some of my favorite ways 1. paid adds on social media 2. networking group sharing 3. Having a photo/video share contest (whoever shares our post and gets the most attention wins a prize).

  3. Cleaning and Maintenance - This one is one of my favorites for qualifying listings. Basically I handle the professional cleaning of the property and go over everything as to how to organize. Not to mention for my vacant properties or out of state sellers I can handle the properties maintenance for them!

  4. Planning and Previews - I am a real estate nerd and soon you will be too! I make sure all my clients have their checklist and check ins. Meaning you will know when to expect everything and how to handle it. We will go over any updates to maximize home value, how and when they will be done, and also go over how your property is preforming though marketing and how we can adjust to make it preform even better!

  5. Marketing and Networking - Not only will your home be ready to sell it will be ready to be shared all over the place! Some of my top tips for marketing are as follows 1. Post it on everything (social media is the future and technology is where the buyers are) 2. Create social media adds 3. Spread it to all my connections through my global network 4. Host mega open houses (that I promote on all social media first) 5. Hold broker opens (allows only agents to come from all over to view the property) 6. Hold contest to inspire others to share your property on there social media pushing its reach even further. Not to mention the traditional flyers, email campaigns, and mail outs.

Selling For Sale By Owner (FSBO)?

No worries I totally respect your decision and even created a page full of tips to help make sure you get the most out of trying to sell on your own first. Click HERE to view it!

I know statistically it doesn’t look promising to sell on your own as FSBO listings sell for 26% less on average. (Source: National Association of Realtors, 2020 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers.) But, I know that I am a thrifty queen and there are people that get market value or more. Bottom line is I acknowledge there are people out there that can do FSBO and save. For that reason I believe everyone should be given the information and tips to try it on their own first. That’s how I think it should be and that’s why I believe in helping as much as I can.

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