Selling a Historic Home for Top Dollar - 2022

A historic home is more then a house. It is history standing still against the tales of time. A historic home has so much to offer and there is a very specific demographic looking to purchase one. Standard sales approaches will often leave you falling short in the marketing of your historic home’s full potential. So, I wrote this blog post to make sure you put your home’s best story forward and get the most for your unique piece of history.

Let’s Dive In!

  1. What Counts as a Historic Home?

  2. Things to Include in all your Marketing

  3. Top Places to List your Home

  4. How to use Social Media to Market your Home

What Counts as a Historic Home?

Now before we really dive in let’s run through the qualifying factors of a “historic home.” Not all of these need to be met they are just set forth by the National Register of Historic Places.

  1. Most States require it be older then 50 years.

  2. Does it still look similar to how it appeared in the past?

  3. Is the property associated with events, activities, or developments that were important in the past?

  4. Is the property associated with the lives of people who were important in the past?

  5. Is the property associated with significant architectural history, landscape history, or engineering achievements?

  6. Does it have the potential to yield information through archeological investigation about our past?

Keep in mind the answers to these questions as it will be needed in your marketing efforts!

Things to Include in all your Marketing

Keep in mind that when buying and selling a historic home it is more emotionally evolved then your cookie cutter homes seen everywhere today. Your home’s value comes off of what it has to offer beyond the home itself and you need to make sure that is the center of your marketing. Refer back to your answers to the pervious questions to find your home’s historical importance. Now that you have these answers let’s dive deeper!

  1. Include your home’s history (what makes it historic besides the age)

  2. Include your home’s age

  3. Include your homes upgrades and maintenance (this will allow for people to feel at ease about the age)

  4. If you have any old photos or stories include those

  5. Include a pre-inspection report (HIGHLY recommend this to get top priced offers)

  6. Also Include your monthly utility cost (optional)

  7. Include info + links to your local historic district that may have requirements and or restrictions on what can be done at the property.

  8. Video tour links and other videos about the property (see if your local new station will do a story on it).

  9. In the MLS documents section include all documents (newspaper articles, inspection reports, list of upgrades, etc.).

Top Places to List your Home

Now that you know what to include in all your marketing it is time to make sure you have it listed on ALL the correct marketing websites for historic homes! There are also some websites that you do have to pay for to be featured on (I cover these sites for my clients). Let’s dive in…

  1. Get it on the MLS (this is done through a realtor or flat fee company see the differences in THIS post)

  2. Make sure it’s on TOP sites like Zillow and

  3. CIRCA is a curated historic house marketplace showcasing the most beautiful old homes for sale all across the country. CIRCA AVERAGES 2 MILLION PAGE VIEWS EACH MONTH.

  4. Old Houses is another site specifically for older homes. This site does have a lower search rating then CIRCA but, still has quite the visitors.

  5. Antique Homes “The Sales Directory of Antique and Historic Properties” is another historic home specific website that offers some more reach into the historic specific buyer world.

  6. Your local Newspaper and or Local News Channels (have your realtor reach out to them to feature your historic property for sale).

  7. ALL SOCIAL MEDIA (see more below)

How to use Social Media to Market your Home

Listing your home on the MLS and other platforms like Zillow is great…But, that is limiting your perfect buyer to finding you. This marketing is considered passive as it doesn’t actively work to find the buyer. However, active social media marketing is HUGE! When employing these tips below you are pushing your property out to find the perfect buyer rather than praying they find you.

  1. POST EVERYWHERE (Pinterest, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Facebook Marketplace, YouTube, Reels, Etc.)

  2. Boost your Facebook and Instagram post and include the link to your listing (paid ads)

  3. Post on Facebook groups for people who are looking for or are interested in historical homes (HUGE)

  4. Have video tours (and other videos) posted on all platforms in long form videos

  5. Have short form video highlights (like reels, and TikTok)

  6. Have multiple YouTube highlights of the home and its historical story

  7. Have your Open Houses as a Facebook Event and also boost this event

Thanks so much for reading and I hope all the information was helpful. If you or someone you know is thinking about buying or selling a historic home feel free to reach out to me with any questions below. I am always happy to help.


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